Since its founding in 1975 Beckmar Environmental Laboratory has firmly established its reputation as a commercial, quality-driven laboratory specializing in environmental analysis, particularly in water and wastewater. Beckmar provides its clients with defensible and affordable sampling and analysis. Its valued clients include municipal and private utilities, state regulators, water and wastewater operators, manufacturers, hospitals, school districts, agribusiness, swimming pool facilities, real estate developers, community service organizations and private home-owners.
Beckmar is a woman-owned (WBENC certified) business headed by founder and CEO Rebecca Barker. The firm is co-owned by Paul Barker, V.P. and Laboratory Manager. Both owners are actively involved in the day-to-day operation and analyses with Rebecca Barker overseeing the lab’s Bioassay Division and Paul Barker overseeing the lab’s analytical operations. The company has a knowledgeable staff of 15 full-time employees and two part-time employees. Full-time employees and their areas of interest follow:
BS Environmental Resources
Aquatic biologist,
client ombudsman
BS Biological Sciences
Chief Microbiologist
Aquatic micro,
wet chemistry
BS Geographical Studies,
Earth Science
Bio-monitoring specialist
Fish and Cerio-daphnia
15 years Industrial Experience
Office Management
Accounts payable and
receivable, reports
BS, MS, Environmental Biology
Bio-assay operation
BA, MS Stream/Lake Ecology
Microbiology and NPDES Analysis
BS Biology/Environmental Studies
Aquatic Micro
BA English
Data Management,
DMR Reporting
BS Wildlife Management/Biology
Sample Scheduler
Field Technician
AS Nutrition
Field Technician
Oil/Grease Analyses
BS Atmospheric Science
QA/QC Officer
4 years expertise field sampling
Field Technician
BS Biochemistry
Metals Chemist
General/Bio-Monitoring Lab Support
BS Chemical Engineering
Wet Chemist
Data Entry Technician
BA, MA, Education
Sample Receiver
Shipping Coordinator
BS Biology
Wet Chemist
BS Wildlife Management/Biological Sciences
Field Technician
Beckmar Environmental Laboratory is equipped with four exhaust and three separate heating and cooling units to minimize cross air contamination. These separate units are critical for the W.E.T. testing department and isolate the climate controlled area from the chemical analytical area.
Analytical Equipment Repair
"GMWSS has been using Beckmar Lab to perform our biomonitoring tests at WWTP #2 for many years. Their employees are honest, professional and easy to work with. I can trust that Beckmar will perform their duties to the best of their ability and always inform me of any problems that need to be addressed. I would recommend them to anyone looking for a laboratory to conduct testing for state or EPA reportable parameters."
- James R. Mulberry, Superintendent WWTP #2
"The Henry County Water District has been a client of Beckmar for the past 15 years. Beckmar is a family owned company. The staff is very knowledgeable and conscientious about their work. When the district encounters line breaks after hours or on weekends the Beckmar Staff has always been “over the top” accomodating on our water sampling requirements. It is without hesitation that I recommend Beckmar for any and all your testing requirements."
- James T. Simpson, Chief Operating Officer
"My name is Robin Strader and Beckmar is my bio monitoring laboratory. Everyone who knows me knows I am a dairy farmer and the lead operator at the Leitchfield Wastewater Treatment Plant. At home I strive to produce quality milk and at work I strive to produce quality effluent. 13 years ago when I was looking for a bio monitoring lab, I visited several facilities. I was impressed that nearly a third of Beckmar’s facility is dedicated to bio monitoring. Just like I raise my own replacement heifers to avoid the stress of potential spread of disease associated with marketing, they raise their own minnows for testing which means my water is tested healthy, unstressed organisms. The analysts take ownership in the monitoring they do which yields the desire to produce quality results just like my desire to produce quality milk. Most of all, I have NEVER felt like a number at Beckmar. Everyone from the field staff to upper management is on a first name basis with me and my staff. They are very accommodating to my schedule. Our relationship has grown to include pretreatment monitoring and annual scans. The field service offered by Beckmar is outstanding. I feel like I am receiving quality product and analytical reports from Beckmar which is very important in today’s regulatory environment. I would strongly encourage you to give Beckmar a chance to earn your trust by providing you the same quality service I receive. "
- Robin Strader
"The City of Taylorsville has been utilizing Beckmar Labs for analytical needs for 18+ years. The employees at Beckmar Labs have demonstrated proficiency in their analytical results and service. Throughout the years the service has been without delay and the employees are very knowledgeable in their area of expertise and have been of assistance numerous times for my lack of familiarity. I have great admiration and confidence in Beckmar Labs and their employees in the service they provide for the City of Taylorsville. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. "
- Harold Compton